Saturday, November 5, 2011

Smash Bro's...???

Lately I have not been writing because getting internet is quite difficult in my home. I am so excited that we are getting our own internet on Thursday! then i will try and post more often.
I seriously need to find my self some girlfriends! My super cool husband is currently playing super smash Bro's in my living room with three of his super cool friends. Why they find this so entertaining is beyond me, but they sure do seem to be having a blast with it. 
Anyways. I got to spend  the day with my sister and my mom today. My little sister Jenae is currently three month pregnant and I got to see her ultra sound on video today. It was so neat to get to see that her tiny little baby already has a little button nose and all of its fingers and toes. I was so fascinated by the baby's heart beat and how far along it has developed already. It is moving around, and sucking its thumb. I cannot believe that already it has a fully developed brain. I seriously do not understand how there are so many people out there who do not call this a life. That they can make a decision to act in a way to create life, then just abort it when it is inconvenient to them. The life has been created, at least have the decency to let it live out that life. I understand that in some cases the pregnancy is life threatening to the mother, or there are cases of rape and in those circumstances I understand if the mother makes that decision. I am only talking about those who are only thinking of themselves and not the child within them that they themselves have created.
Life is such a beautiful thing that every person has the right to live out for themselves. God has a plan for us. And life on this earth is a major part of that plan. It is not our right to take that away.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quote on Scripture

Today Harrison and I spoke in church. We were asked to give talks on Gaining a testimony through scripture study. It went pretty well for both of us I thought.
I used a really neat quote from Richard G. Scotts talk on power of scripture that I thought I should share. It reads, "Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high... Pondering a passage of scripture can be a key to unlock revelation and the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope, and restoration of confidence in one's ability to overcome the challenges of life. They have potent power to heal emotional challenges when there is faith in the Savior. They can accelerate physical healing"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Six weeks

Harrison and I have been married for about 6 weeks Now. It has been the most amazing 6 weeks of my life, I am loving every minute of being married to such an amazing man.
I have never written a blog before, but I thought it would be fun to share some of our new life experiences with others. Plus I am really bad at keeping a journal and I think this will help me record things more often.
Sorry to keep this so short. There will be more to come as life goes on :)